先搞个DFS序,这样的话就可以用树状数组来维护了。最终的答案就是add_up(s[k1]) xor add_up(s[k2]) xor w[closefather(k1,k2)],s是dfs序中最先出现的位置,w是权值。最近公共祖先就用LCA搞掉。就如题目所说,这道题目要用手工栈,不然会在爆栈OJ爆栈。接下来是我无比惨烈的解题截图。(不要怪我没节操的贴了代码)

program p2819; type bian=record next,point:longint; end; var y:array[1..500000,1..4] of longint; x:array[1..1000010] of longint; d,w,p,s,e:array[1..500010] of longint; f:array[1..500010,0..20] of longint; b:array[1..1000010] of bian; q,len,i,j,n,k1,k2:longint; ch:char; bo:boolean; function getchar:char; var ch:char; begin read(ch); while (ch<>'Q') and (ch<>'C') do read(ch); exit(ch); end; procedure ade(k1,k2:longint); begin inc(len); b[len].point:=k2; b[len].next:=p[k1]; p[k1]:=len; end; procedure add(k1,k2:longint); begin ade(k1,k2); ade(k2,k1); end; procedure bfs; var i,j,head,now:longint; begin head:=1; now:=1; y[1,1]:=1; y[1,2]:=p[1]; y[1,3]:=0; y[1,4]:=1; d[1]:=1; f[1,0]:=0; s[1]:=1; while now>0 do begin i:=y[now,2]; if (i<>0) and (b[i].point=y[now,3]) then i:=b[i].next; if (i=0) then begin inc(head); e[y[now,1]]:=head; dec(now); continue; end; inc(now); y[now,1]:=b[i].point; y[now,2]:=p[y[now,1]]; y[now,3]:=y[now-1,1]; y[now,4]:=y[now-1,4]+1; inc(head); f[y[now,1],0]:=y[now,3]; s[y[now,1]]:=head; d[y[now,1]]:=y[now,4]; y[now-1,2]:=b[i].next; end; end; function lowbit(k:longint):longint; begin exit(k and (-k)); end; procedure add_in(k1,k2:longint); var i,j:longint; begin i:=k1; while i<=1000010 do begin x[i]:=x[i] xor k2; i:=i+lowbit(i); end; end; function add_up(k:longint):longint; var i,num:longint; begin i:=k; num:=0; while i>0 do begin num:=num xor x[i]; i:=i-lowbit(i); end; exit(num); end; function go_up(k1,k2:longint):longint; var i,j,k:longint; begin for k:=0 to 20 do if 1 shl k>k2 then break; dec(k); if k<0 then exit(k1); j:=k1; for i:=0 to k do if k2 and (1 shl i)>0 then j:=f[j,i]; exit(j); end; function find(k1,k2:longint):longint; var i,j,k:longint; begin if d[k1]>d[k2] then begin i:=k1; k1:=k2; k2:=i; end; k2:=go_up(k2,d[k2]-d[k1]); if k1=k2 then exit(k1); for k:=1 to 20 do if 1 shl k>=d[k1] then break; dec(k); for i:=k downto 0 do if f[k1,i]<>f[k2,i] then begin k1:=f[k1,i]; k2:=f[k2,i]; end; exit(f[k1,0]); end; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(w[i]); len:=0; fillchar(p,sizeof(p),0); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); for i:=1 to n-1 do begin readln(k1,k2); add(k1,k2); end; fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); len:=0; bfs; fillchar(x,sizeof(x),0); for i:=1 to n do begin add_in(s[i],w[i]); add_in(e[i],w[i]); end; for i:=1 to 20 do begin bo:=false; for j:=1 to n do if (1 shl i)<d[j] then begin bo:=true; f[j,i]:=f[f[j,i-1],i-1]; end; if bo=false then break; end; readln(q); for i:=1 to q do begin ch:=getchar; if ch='Q' then begin readln(k1,k2); j:=add_up(s[k1]) xor add_up(s[k2]) xor w[find(k1,k2)]; if j=0 then writeln('No') else writeln('Yes'); end else begin readln(k1,k2); add_in(s[k1],w[k1]); add_in(e[k1],w[k1]); add_in(s[k1],k2); add_in(e[k1],k2); w[k1]:=k2; end; end; end.
2024年1月08日 19:38
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