【BZOJ3196】【Tyvj 1730】二逼平衡树
program p3196; type tree=record l,r,w,f,size:longint; end; var t:array[0..4000000] of tree; x,root:array[0..500000] of longint; i,j,n,m,len,ans,l,r,mid,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6:longint; ch:char; function min(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1<k2 then exit(k1) else exit(k2); end; function max(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1<k2 then exit(k2) else exit(k1); end; procedure zig(pf,f,k:longint); begin if t[pf].l=f then t[pf].l:=k else if t[pf].r=f then t[pf].r:=k; t[f].l:=t[k].r; t[k].r:=f; t[f].size:=t[t[f].l].size+t[t[f].r].size+1; t[k].size:=t[t[k].l].size+t[t[k].r].size+1; end; procedure zag(pf,f,k:longint); begin if t[pf].l=f then t[pf].l:=k else if t[pf].r=f then t[pf].r:=k; t[f].r:=t[k].l; t[k].l:=f; t[f].size:=t[t[f].l].size+t[t[f].r].size+1; t[k].size:=t[t[k].l].size+t[t[k].r].size+1; end; procedure insert(f,k1,k2:longint); begin inc(t[k1].size); if t[k1].w>t[k2].w then begin if t[k1].l=0 then t[k1].l:=k2 else insert(k1,t[k1].l,k2); if t[k1].f<t[k2].f then zig(f,k1,k2); end else begin if t[k1].r=0 then t[k1].r:=k2 else insert(k1,t[k1].r,k2); if t[k1].f<t[k2].f then zag(f,k1,k2); end; end; procedure buildtree(k1,k2,k3:longint); var now,i,j:longint; begin root[k1]:=len+1; now:=len-k2+1; len:=len+k3-k2+1; for i:=k2 to k3 do begin t[i+now].w:=x[i]; t[i+now].size:=1; t[i+now].f:=random(1000000); if i<>k2 then begin insert(0,root[k1],i+now); if (t[i+now].l=root[k1]) or (t[i+now].r=root[k1]) then root[k1]:=i+now; end; end; if k2<>k3 then begin buildtree(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1); buildtree(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3); end; end; function findallnum(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1=0 then exit(0); if k2<t[k1].w then exit(findallnum(t[k1].l,k2)); exit(findallnum(t[k1].r,k2)+1+t[t[k1].l].size); end; function pd(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6:longint):longint; var k:longint; begin if (k2>k5) or (k3<k4) then exit(0); if (k2>=k4) and (k3<=k5) then exit(findallnum(root[k1],k6)); exit(pd(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5,k6)+pd(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5,k6)); end; function findwhere(k,k1,k2,f:longint):longint; var k3,k4:longint; begin if t[k1].w=k2 then begin while true do begin if t[k1].l=0 then begin if f=0 then root[k]:=t[k1].r else begin if k1=t[f].l then t[f].l:=t[k1].r else t[f].r:=t[k1].r; end; t[k1].r:=0; exit(k1); end else if t[k1].r=0 then begin if f=0 then root[k]:=t[k1].l else begin if k1=t[f].l then t[f].l:=t[k1].l else t[f].r:=t[k1].l; end; t[k1].l:=0; exit(k1); end else begin k3:=f; if t[t[k1].l].f>t[t[k1].r].f then begin f:=t[k1].l; zig(k3,k1,t[k1].l); end else begin f:=t[k1].r; zag(k3,k1,t[k1].r); end; if k3=0 then root[k]:=f; dec(t[f].size); end; end; end; dec(t[k1].size); if t[k1].w>k2 then exit(findwhere(k,t[k1].l,k2,k1)) else exit(findwhere(k,t[k1].r,k2,k1)); end; procedure change(k1,k2,k3,k4,k6,k5:longint); var k:longint; begin if (k2>k4) or (k3<k4) then exit; if (k2=k3) then begin t[root[k1]].w:=k5; exit; end; k:=findwhere(k1,root[k1],k6,0); t[k].size:=1; t[k].w:=k5; insert(0,root[k1],k); if (t[k].l=root[k1]) or (t[k].r=root[k1]) then root[k1]:=k; change(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k6,k5); change(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k6,k5); end; function findnum(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6:longint):longint; begin if (k2>k5) or (k3<k4) then exit(0); if (k2>=k4) and (k3<=k5) then exit(findallnum(root[k1],k6)); exit(findnum(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5,k6)+findnum(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5,k6)); end; function findlesss(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1=0 then exit(-maxlongint); if k2<=t[k1].w then exit(findlesss(t[k1].l,k2)); exit(max(findlesss(t[k1].r,k2),t[k1].w)); end; function findmore(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1=0 then exit(maxlongint); if k2>=t[k1].w then exit(findmore(t[k1].r,k2)); exit(min(findmore(t[k1].l,k2),t[k1].w)); end; function findmax(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6:longint):longint; begin if (k2>k5) or (k3<k4) then exit(-maxlongint); if (k2>=k4) and (k3<=k5) then {begin writeln(k2,' ',k3,' ',k4,' ',k5,' ',k6,' ',findlesss(root[k1],k6));} exit(findlesss(root[k1],k6)); {end;} exit(max(findmax(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5,k6),findmax(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5,k6))); end; function findmin(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6:longint):longint; begin if (k2>k5) or (k3<k4) then exit(maxlongint); if (k2>=k4) and (k3<=k5) then exit(findmore(root[k1],k6)); exit(min(findmin(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5,k6),findmin(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5,k6))); end; begin readln(n,m); for i:=1 to n do read(x[i]); readln; len:=0; buildtree(1,1,n); for i:=1 to m do begin read(k6); if k6=2 then begin readln(k1,k2,k3); l:=0; r:=1000000001; while l<r do begin mid:=(l+r) shr 1; k4:=pd(1,1,n,k1,k2,mid); if k4>=k3 then begin ans:=mid; r:=mid; end else l:=mid+1; end; writeln(ans); end else if k6=3 then begin readln(k1,k2); change(1,1,n,k1,x[k1],k2); x[k1]:=k2; end else if k6=1 then begin readln(k1,k2,k3); writeln(findnum(1,1,n,k1,k2,k3-1)+1); end else if k6=4 then begin readln(k1,k2,k3); writeln(findmax(1,1,n,k1,k2,k3)); end else if k6=5 then begin readln(k1,k2,k3); writeln(findmin(1,1,n,k1,k2,k3)); end; end; end.
program p2141; type tree=record father,l,r,w,size:longint; end; var t:array[0..2000000] of tree; w,root,x,y:array[0..3000000] of longint; i,j,n,m,len,k1,k2:longint; tot:int64; procedure zig(k:longint); var f:longint; begin f:=t[k].father; t[k].father:=t[f].father; if f=t[t[f].father].l then t[t[f].father].l:=k else if f=t[t[f].father].r then t[t[f].father].r:=k; t[f].l:=t[k].r; t[t[f].l].father:=f; t[k].r:=f; t[f].father:=k; t[f].size:=t[t[f].l].size+t[t[f].r].size+1; t[k].size:=t[t[k].l].size+t[t[k].r].size+1; end; procedure zag(k:longint); var f:longint; begin f:=t[k].father; t[k].father:=t[f].father; if f=t[t[f].father].l then t[t[f].father].l:=k else if f=t[t[f].father].r then t[t[f].father].r:=k; t[f].r:=t[k].l; t[t[f].r].father:=f; t[k].l:=f; t[f].father:=k; t[f].size:=t[t[f].l].size+t[t[f].r].size+1; t[k].size:=t[t[k].l].size+t[t[k].r].size+1; end; procedure up(k,k1:longint); var f1,f2:longint; begin while (k<>k1) do begin f1:=t[k].father; f2:=t[f1].father; if f1=k1 then begin if k=t[f1].l then zig(k) else zag(k); exit; end; if k=t[f1].l then begin if f1=t[f2].l then begin zig(f1); zig(k); end else begin zig(k); zag(k); end; end else if f1=t[f2].l then begin zag(k); zig(k); end else begin zag(f1); zag(k); end; if f2=k1 then exit; end; end; procedure insert(k1,k2:longint); begin inc(t[k1].size); if t[k2].w>t[k1].w then begin if t[k1].r=0 then begin t[k1].r:=k2; t[k2].father:=k1; end else insert(t[k1].r,k2); end else begin if t[k1].l=0 then begin t[k1].l:=k2; t[k2].father:=k1; end else insert(t[k1].l,k2); end; end; procedure buildtree(k1,k2,k3:longint); var now,i,j:longint; begin inc(len); root[k1]:=len; now:=len-k2; len:=len+k3-k2; for i:=k2 to k3 do begin t[now+i].w:=w[i]; t[now+i].size:=1; if i<>k2 then begin insert(root[k1],now+i); {if k1=1 then begin writeln(root[k1]); for j:=1 to n do writeln(t[j].l,' ',t[j].r,' ',t[j].size,' ',t[j].father,' ',t[j].w); readln; end;} up(now+i,root[k1]); root[k1]:=now+i; end; end; if k2<>k3 then begin buildtree(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1); buildtree(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3); end; end; procedure sort(first,en:longint); var i,j:longint; begin i:=first; j:=en; x[0]:=x[i]; while i<j do begin while (i<j) and ((w[x[j]]>w[x[0]]) or ((w[x[j]]=w[x[0]]) and (x[j]>=x[0]))) do dec(j); if i<j then x[i]:=x[j]; while (i<j) and ((w[x[i]]<w[x[0]]) or ((w[x[i]]=w[x[0]]) and (x[i]<x[0]))) do inc(i); if i<j then x[j]:=x[i]; end; x[i]:=x[0]; if i>first+1 then sort(first,i-1); if i<en-1 then sort(i+1,en); end; function lowbit(k:longint):longint; begin exit(k and (-k)); end; procedure addin(k:longint); var i:longint; begin i:=k; while i<=n do begin x[i]:=x[i]+1; i:=i+lowbit(i); end; end; function addup(k:longint):longint; var i,j:longint; begin j:=0; i:=k; while i>0 do begin j:=j+x[i]; i:=i-lowbit(i); end; exit(j); end; procedure swap(var k1,k2:longint); var i:longint; begin i:=k1; k1:=k2; k2:=i; end; function findallless(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1=0 then exit(0); if t[k1].w>k2 then exit(findallless(t[k1].l,k2)); exit(findallless(t[k1].r,k2)+t[t[k1].l].size+1); end; function findallmore(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1=0 then exit(0); if t[k1].w<k2 then exit(findallmore(t[k1].r,k2)); exit(findallmore(t[k1].l,k2)+t[t[k1].r].size+1); end; function findless(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6:longint):longint; begin if (k2>k5) or (k3<k4) then exit(0); if (k2>=k4) and (k3<=k5) then exit(findallless(root[k1],k6)); exit(findless(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5,k6)+findless(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5,k6)); end; function findmore(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6:longint):longint; begin if (k2>k5) or (k3<k4) then exit(0); if (k2>=k4) and (k3<=k5) then exit(findallmore(root[k1],k6)); exit(findmore(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5,k6)+findmore(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5,k6)); end; function findwhere(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if t[k1].w=k2 then exit(k1); if t[k1].w<k2 then exit(findwhere(t[k1].r,k2)); exit(findwhere(t[k1].l,k2)); end; function findleft(k:longint):longint; begin while t[k].l<>0 do k:=t[k].l; exit(k); end; function findright(k:longint):longint; begin while t[k].r<>0 do k:=t[k].r; exit(k); end; procedure change(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5:longint); var k,i,j,k6,k7:longint; begin if (k2>k4) or (k3<k4) then exit; if (k2=k3) then begin t[root[k1]].w:=k5; exit; end; k:=findwhere(root[k1],w[k4]); up(k,root[k1]); root[k1]:=k; if t[k].l=0 then begin t[k].size:=1; t[t[k].r].father:=0; root[k1]:=t[k].r; t[k].r:=0; end else if t[k].r=0 then begin t[k].size:=1; t[t[k].l].father:=0; root[k1]:=t[k].l; t[k].l:=0; end else begin k6:=findright(t[k].l); k7:=findleft(t[k].r); up(k6,k); up(k7,t[k6].r); root[k1]:=k6; t[k7].l:=0; dec(t[k7].size); dec(t[k6].size); t[k].father:=0; end; t[k].w:=k5; insert(root[k1],k); change(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5); change(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5); end; begin {assign(input,'data.in'); reset(input); assign(output,'dat1a.out'); rewrite(output);} readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(w[i]); len:=0; fillchar(t,sizeof(t),0); fillchar(root,sizeof(root),0); buildtree(1,1,n); for i:=1 to n do x[i]:=i; sort(1,n); for i:=1 to n do y[x[i]]:=i; fillchar(x,sizeof(x),0); for i:=n downto 1 do begin tot:=tot+addup(y[i]-1); addin(y[i]); end; writeln(tot); readln(m); {while true do begin read(i); writeln(findmore(1,1,n,1,n,i)); writeln(findless(1,1,n,1,n,i)); end;} for i:=1 to m do begin {writeln(root[1]);}{ for j:=1 to n do writeln(t[j].l,' ',t[j].r,' ',t[j].size,' ',t[j].father,' ',t[j].w);} readln(k1,k2); if w[k1]=w[k2] then begin writeln(tot); continue; end; if k1>k2 then swap(k1,k2); { writeln(findmore(1,1,n,1,n,w[k1]+1),' ',findless(1,1,n,1,n,w[k1]-1),' ',findless(1,1,n,1,n,w[k2]-1),' ',findmore(1,1,n,1,n,w[k2]+1)); } if k1+1<>k2 then tot:=tot+findmore(1,1,n,k1+1,k2-1,w[k1]+1)-findless(1,1,n,k1+1,k2-1,w[k1]-1)+findless(1,1,n,k1+1,k2-1,w[k2]-1)-findmore(1,1,n,k1+1,k2-1,w[k2]+1); if w[k1]<w[k2] then inc(tot) else dec(tot); change(1,1,n,k1,w[k2]); {for j:=1 to n do writeln(t[j].l,' ',t[j].r,' ',t[j].size,' ',t[j].father,' ',t[j].w);} change(1,1,n,k2,w[k1]); swap(w[k1],w[k2]); writeln(tot); end; end.
program p2120; type tree=record l,r,father,w,size:longint; end; var root,first:array[0..800000] of longint; ro:array[0..2000000] of longint; t:array[0..4000000] of tree; w,x:array[0..20000] of longint; i,j,n,m,k1,k2,len:longint; ch:char; procedure zig(k:longint); var f:longint; begin f:=t[k].father; t[k].father:=t[f].father; if f=t[t[f].father].l then t[t[f].father].l:=k else if f=t[t[f].father].r then t[t[f].father].r:=k; t[f].father:=k; t[f].l:=t[k].r; t[t[f].l].father:=f; t[k].r:=f; t[f].size:=t[t[f].l].size+t[t[f].r].size+1; t[k].size:=t[t[k].l].size+t[t[k].r].size+1; end; procedure zag(k:longint); var f:longint; begin f:=t[k].father; t[k].father:=t[f].father; if f=t[t[f].father].l then t[t[f].father].l:=k else if f=t[t[f].father].r then t[t[f].father].r:=k; t[f].father:=k; t[f].r:=t[k].l; t[t[f].r].father:=f; t[k].l:=f; t[f].size:=t[t[f].l].size+t[t[f].r].size+1; t[k].size:=t[t[k].l].size+t[t[k].r].size+1; end; procedure up(k1,k2:longint); var f1,f2:longint; begin while (k1<>k2) and (t[k1].father<>k2) do begin f1:=t[k1].father; f2:=t[f1].father; if f2=k2 then begin if k1=t[f1].l then zig(k1) else zag(k1); exit; end; if k1=t[f1].l then begin if f1=t[f2].l then begin zig(f1); zig(k1); end else begin zig(k1); zag(k1); end; end else if f1=t[f2].l then begin zag(k1); zig(k1); end else begin zag(f1); zag(k1); end; end; end; procedure insert(k1,k2:longint); begin if k1=0 then exit; inc(t[k1].size); if t[k1].w<t[k2].w then begin if t[k1].r=0 then begin t[k1].r:=k2; t[k2].father:=k1; end else insert(t[k1].r,k2); end else if t[k1].l=0 then begin t[k1].l:=k2; t[k2].father:=k1; end else insert(t[k1].l,k2); end; function min(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1<k2 then exit(k1) else exit(k2); end; function findless(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1=0 then exit(maxlongint); if t[k1].w<=k2 then exit(findless(t[k1].r,k2)); exit(min(findless(t[k1].l,k2),t[k1].w)); end; procedure buildtree(k1,k2,k3:longint); var i,j,now:longint; begin now:=len-k2; root[k1]:=len; len:=len+k3-k2+1; first[k1]:=now; for i:=k2 to k3 do begin t[now+i].w:=x[i]; t[now+i].size:=1; if i<>k2 then begin insert(root[k1],now+i); up(now+i,0); root[k1]:=now+i; end; end; if k2<>k3 then begin buildtree(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1); buildtree(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3); end; end; procedure getchar(var ch:char); begin repeat read(ch); until(ch>='A') and (ch<='Z'); end; function findbig(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1=0 then exit(0); if t[k1].w>k2 then exit(findbig(t[k1].l,k2)+1+t[t[k1].r].size); exit(findbig(t[k1].r,k2)); end; function findanswer(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5:longint):longint; begin if (k2>k5) or (k3<k4) then exit(0); if (k2>=k4) and (k3<=k5) then exit(findbig(root[k1],k5)); exit(findanswer(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5)+findanswer(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5)); end; function findmorewhere(k1,k2:longint):longint; var k:longint; begin if k1=0 then exit(0); if t[k1].w>=t[k2].w then exit(findmorewhere(t[k1].l,k2)); k:=findmorewhere(t[k1].r,k2); if k=0 then exit(k1) else exit(k); end; function findleft(k:longint):longint; begin while t[k].l<>0 do k:=t[k].l; exit(k); end; function findright(k:longint):longint; begin while t[k].r<>0 do k:=t[k].r; exit(k); end; procedure delete(k1,k2:longint); var l,r:longint; begin up(k2,0); root[k1]:=k2; if t[k2].l=0 then begin t[t[k2].r].father:=0; t[k2].size:=1; root[k1]:=t[k2].r; t[k2].r:=0; end else if t[k2].r=0 then begin t[t[k2].l].father:=0; t[k2].size:=1; root[k1]:=t[k2].l; t[k2].l:=0; end else begin l:=findright(t[k2].l); r:=findleft(t[k2].r); up(l,0); up(r,l); root[k1]:=l; dec(t[l].size); dec(t[r].size); t[r].l:=0; t[k2].father:=0; end; end; procedure changetreew(k1,k2,k3:longint); var k:longint; begin k:=first[k1]+k2; delete(k1,k); t[k].w:=k3; insert(root[k1],k); up(k,0); root[k1]:=k; end; procedure changew(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5:longint); begin if (k2>k4) or (k3<k4) then exit; changetreew(k1,k4,k5); if k2=k3 then exit; changew(k1*2,k2,(k2+k3) shr 1,k4,k5); changew(k1*2+1,(k2+k3) shr 1+1,k3,k4,k5); end; procedure changex(k,color:longint); var l,r:longint; begin up(k,0); ro[w[k]]:=k; if t[k].l=0 then begin t[t[k].r].father:=0; t[k].size:=1; ro[w[k]]:=t[k].r; t[k].r:=0; end else if t[k].r=0 then begin t[t[k].l].father:=0; t[k].size:=1; ro[w[k]]:=t[k].l; l:=findright(t[k].l); x[l]:=n+1; changew(1,1,n,l,n+1); t[k].l:=0; end else begin l:=findright(t[k].l); r:=findleft(t[k].r); up(l,0); up(r,l); ro[w[k]]:=l; dec(t[l].size); dec(t[r].size); t[r].l:=0; t[k].father:=0; x[l]:=r; changew(1,1,n,l,r); end; insert(ro[color],k); up(k,0); ro[color]:=k; if t[k].l<>0 then begin l:=findright(t[k].l); changew(1,1,n,k,x[l]); changew(1,1,n,l,k); x[k]:=x[l]; x[l]:=k; end else if t[k].r<>0 then begin r:=findleft(t[k].r); changew(1,1,n,k,r); x[k]:=r; end else begin x[k]:=n+1; changew(1,1,n,k,n+1); end; end; begin readln(n,m); fillchar(root,sizeof(root),0); fillchar(ro,sizeof(ro),0); fillchar(t,sizeof(t),0); for i:=1 to n do begin read(w[i]); t[i].w:=i; t[i].size:=1; insert(ro[w[i]],i); up(i,0); ro[w[i]]:=i; end; for i:=1 to n do begin up(i,0); if t[i].r=0 then x[i]:=n+1 else x[i]:=findleft(t[i].r); end; len:=n+1; buildtree(1,1,n); for i:=1 to m do begin {for j:=1 to n do writeln(x[j],' ',w[j]); for j:=1 to 6 do writeln(ro[j]); for j:=1 to n do writeln(j,' ',t[j].l,' ',t[j].r,' ',t[j].size,' ',t[j].w,' ',ro[w[j]]); writeln; for j:=1 to n*2 do writeln(first[j],' ',root[j]); for j:=1+n to n*2 do writeln(j,' ',t[j].l,' ',t[j].r,' ',t[j].size,' ',t[j].w); }getchar(ch); if ch='Q' then begin readln(k1,k2); writeln(findanswer(1,1,n,k1,k2)); end else begin readln(k1,k2); if w[k1]=k2 then continue; changex(k1,k2); w[k1]:=k2; end; end; end.