program p1007; type line=record k,b:extended; num:longint; end; var x,s:array[0..50100] of line; pd:array[0..50100] of boolean; i,j,n,head:longint; k1,k2:extended; procedure sort(first,en:longint); var i,j:longint; begin i:=first; j:=en; x[0]:=x[i]; while i<j do begin while (i<j) and ((x[j].k>x[0].k) or ((x[j].k=x[0].k) and (x[j].b<x[0].b))) do dec(j); if i<j then x[i]:=x[j]; while (i<j) and ((x[i].k<x[0].k) or ((x[i].k=x[0].k) and (x[i].b>x[0].b))) do inc(i); if i<j then x[j]:=x[i]; end; x[i]:=x[0]; if i>first+1 then sort(first,i-1); if i<en-1 then sort(i+1,en); end; function find(k1,k2:line):extended; begin exit((k2.b-k1.b)/(k1.k-k2.k)); end; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(x[i].k,x[i].b); x[i].num:=i; end; sort(1,n); head:=0; fillchar(pd,sizeof(pd),true); for i:=1 to n do begin if head=0 then begin inc(head); s[head]:=x[i]; continue; end; if (x[i].k=s[head].k) then begin pd[x[i].num]:=false; continue; end; if head=1 then begin inc(head); s[head]:=x[i]; continue; end; while true do begin if head=1 then begin inc(head); s[head]:=x[i]; break; end; k1:=find(x[i],s[head]); k2:=find(s[head-1],s[head]); if k1<=k2 then begin pd[s[head].num]:=false; dec(head); end else begin inc(head); s[head]:=x[i]; break; end; end; end; for i:=1 to n do if pd[i]=true then write(i,' '); end.