program p1898; const num=10000; type arr=array[1..50,1..50] of longint; var x:array[0..11] of arr; b,y,z:arr; f:array[1..20,0..4] of longint; n,i,j,m,s,e,k,k1,k2,nf:longint; function chen(k1,k2:arr):arr; var i,j,k:longint; k3:arr; begin fillchar(k3,sizeof(k3),0); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do for k:=1 to n do k3[i,j]:=(k1[i,k]*k2[k,j]+k3[i,j]) mod num; exit(k3); end; function quick(k1:arr;k2:longint):arr; var i,j:longint; k3:arr; begin if k2=0 then begin fillchar(k3,sizeof(k3),0); for i:=1 to n do k3[i,i]:=1; exit(k3); end; if k2=1 then exit(k1); k3:=quick(k1,k2 div 2); if k2 mod 2=0 then exit(chen(k3,k3)); exit(chen(chen(k3,k3),k1)); end; begin readln(n,m,s,e,k); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(k1,k2); b[k1+1,k2+1]:=1; b[k2+1,k1+1]:=1; end; readln(nf); for i:=1 to nf do begin read(f[i,0]); for j:=1 to f[i,0] do begin read(f[i,j]); inc(f[i,j]); end; end; for i:=0 to 11 do x[i]:=b; for i:=1 to nf do for k1:=0 to 11 do begin for k2:=1 to n do x[k1,k2,f[i,(k1+1) mod f[i,0]+1]]:=0; for k2:=1 to n do x[k1,f[i,k1 mod f[i,0]+1],k2]:=0; end; z:=x[0]; for i:=1 to 11 do z:=chen(z,x[i]); y:=quick(z,k div 12); for i:=0 to k mod 12-1 do y:=chen(y,x[i]); writeln(y[s+1,e+1]); end.