program p1787; type bian=record point,next:longint; end; var b:array[1..1000005] of bian; p,d:array[0..500005] of longint; f:array[1..500005,1..30] of longint; len,n,m,i,j,k1,k2,k3,w1,w2,w3:longint; extra:array[1..3,1..2] of longint; bo:boolean; procedure ade(k1,k2:longint); begin inc(len); b[len].point:=k2; b[len].next:=p[k1]; p[k1]:=len; end; procedure add(k1,k2:longint); begin ade(k1,k2); ade(k2,k1); end; procedure dfs(k1,k2:longint); var i,j:longint; begin d[k1]:=d[k2]+1; f[k1,0]:=k2; i:=p[k1]; while i<>0 do begin j:=b[i].point; if j<>k2 then dfs(j,k1); i:=b[i].next; end; end; function go_up(k1,k2:longint):longint; var i,j,k:longint; begin for k:=0 to 30 do if 1 shl k>k2 then break; dec(k); if k<0 then exit(k1); j:=k1; for i:=0 to k do if k2 and (1 shl i)>0 then j:=f[j,i]; exit(j); end; function fcf(k1,k2:longint):longint; var i,j,k:longint; begin if d[k1]>d[k2] then begin i:=k1; k1:=k2; k2:=i; end; k2:=go_up(k2,d[k2]-d[k1]); if k1=k2 then exit(k1); for k:=1 to 30 do if 1 shl k>=d[k1] then break; dec(k); for i:=k downto 0 do if f[k1,i]<>f[k2,i] then begin k1:=f[k1,i]; k2:=f[k2,i]; end; exit(f[k1,0]); end; function pay(k1,k2,k3:longint):longint; begin exit(d[k1]-d[k3]+d[k2]-d[k3]); end; begin fillchar(p,sizeof(p),0); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); readln(n,m); len:=0; for i:=1 to n-1 do begin readln(k1,k2); add(k1,k2); end; fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); d[0]:=0; dfs(1,0); j:=1; bo:=true; while bo=true do begin bo:=false; for i:=1 to n do begin if d[i]<=1 shl j then continue; f[i,j]:=f[f[i,j-1],j-1]; bo:=true; end; inc(j); end;{ for i:=0 to 3 do begin for j:=1 to n do write(f[j,i],' '); writeln; end;} for i:=1 to m do begin readln(k1,k2,k3); extra[1,1]:=fcf(k1,k2); extra[1,2]:=fcf(extra[1,1],k3); extra[2,1]:=fcf(k1,k3); extra[2,2]:=fcf(extra[2,1],k2); extra[3,1]:=fcf(k2,k3); extra[3,2]:=fcf(extra[3,1],k1); w1:=pay(k1,k2,extra[1,1])+pay(extra[1,1],k3,extra[1,2]); w2:=pay(k1,k3,extra[2,1])+pay(extra[2,1],k2,extra[2,2]); w3:=pay(k2,k3,extra[3,1])+pay(extra[3,1],k1,extra[3,2]); if w1<w2 then begin k1:=extra[1,1]; k2:=w1; end else begin k1:=extra[2,1]; k2:=w2; end; if k2>w3 then begin k1:=extra[3,1]; k2:=w3; end; {for j:=1 to 3 do writeln(extra[j,1],' ',extra[j,2]); writeln(w1,' ',w2,' ',w3);} writeln(k1,' ',k2); end; end.
2022年9月02日 03:07
Bangladesh Sylhet Division Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board also successfully completed the Junior School Certificate and Junior Dakhil Certificate of Grade 8th standard annual terminal examination tests on November 2022 at all selected examination centers of the division, according to the reports lacks students have appeared from all districts under the Division and they all are waiting to check JSC Result 2022 Sylhet Board. Department of Secondary Education, JJunior Dakil Result Sylhet Board Sylhet Division also conducted an evaluation process to the valuation of subject wise marks through answer sheet correction and the process of evaluation will be complete in before 2nd week of December 2022 and the education board will update answer scripts with student wise mark sheets in subject wise with total GPA grade points to Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board Bangladesh.