program p1266; type bian=record first,next,point,f,w,bo:longint; end; var b:array[1..1000000] of bian; p,d,dst:array[1..100000] of longint; x:array[1..1000000] of longint; pd:array[1..100000] of boolean; k1,k2,k3,k4,len,i,j,n,m:longint; procedure ade(k1,k2,k3,k4:longint); begin inc(len); b[len].point:=k2; b[len].next:=p[k1]; b[len].first:=k1; b[len].w:=k3; b[len].f:=k4; p[k1]:=len; end; procedure add(k1,k2,k3,k4:longint); begin ade(k1,k2,k3,k4); ade(k2,k1,k3,0); end; procedure spfa; var head,now,i,j:longint; begin fillchar(pd,sizeof(pd),false); fillchar(x,sizeof(x),0); fillchar(d,sizeof(d),$3f); head:=1; now:=0; x[1]:=n; d[n]:=0; pd[n]:=true; while head>now do begin inc(now); i:=p[x[now]]; while i<>-1 do begin j:=b[i].point; if d[j]>d[x[now]]+b[i].w then begin d[j]:=d[x[now]]+b[i].w; if pd[j]=false then begin pd[j]:=true; inc(head); x[head]:=j; end; end; i:=b[i].next; end; pd[x[now]]:=false; end; end; procedure dfs(k:longint); var i,j:longint; begin pd[k]:=true; if k=n then exit; i:=p[k]; while i<>-1 do begin j:=b[i].point; if (d[j]+b[i].w=d[k]) and (b[i].f>0) then begin b[i].bo:=1; b[i xor 1].bo:=1; if pd[j]=false then dfs(j); end; i:=b[i].next; end; end; function min(k1,k2:longint):longint; begin if k1<k2 then exit(k1) else exit(k2); end; function bfs:boolean; var k1,k2,k3,now,head,i,j:longint; begin fillchar(pd,sizeof(pd),false); pd[1]:=true; head:=1; now:=0; x[1]:=1; dst[1]:=0; while now<head do begin inc(now); i:=p[x[now]]; while i>-1 do begin k1:=b[i].point; {writeln(k1,' ',b[i].f,' ',b[i].bo); readln;} if (pd[k1]=false) and (b[i].f>0) and (b[i].bo>0) then begin pd[k1]:=true; dst[k1]:=dst[x[now]]+1; if k1=n then exit(true); inc(head); x[head]:=k1; end; i:=b[i].next; end; end; exit(pd[n]); end; function change(k1,k2:longint):longint; var now,i,j,k:longint; begin if (k1=n) or (k2=0) then exit(k2); now:=p[k1]; j:=0; while now>-1 do begin i:=b[now].point; if (b[now].f>0) and (dst[k1]=dst[i]-1) and (b[now].bo>0) then begin k:=change(i,min(b[now].f,k2)); k2:=k2-k; j:=j+k; b[now].f:=b[now].f-k; inc(b[now xor 1].f,k); if k2=0 then break; end; now:=b[now].next; end; if j=0 then dst[k1]:=-1; exit(j); end; function dinic:longint; var num:longint; begin num:=0; while bfs=true do begin num:=num+change(1,maxlongint); end; exit(num); end; begin readln(n,m); len:=-1; fillchar(p,sizeof(p),-1); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(k1,k2,k3,k4); add(k1,k2,k3,k4); add(k2,k1,k3,k4); end; spfa; writeln(d[1]); {for i:=1 to n do write(d[i],' '); writeln;} fillchar(pd,sizeof(pd),false); dfs(1); {for i:=1 to len do writeln(b[i].first,' ',b[i].point,' ',b[i].w,' ',b[i].bo,' ',b[i].f);} writeln(dinic); end.
2022年8月16日 02:50
Every year, this board administers the 11th grade test, and the Maha 11th Important Question Paper for this examination will soon be available on the Maharashtra Board's official website. Around 15 lakh students took part in the Maharashtra Board Class 11th examinations, which were likewise held in the month of February starting in March 2023. Maha 11th Model Paper 2023 The Maharashtra Board Class 11th Important Question Paper 2023 was released in the month of May 2023. According to a poll, Maharashtra 11th Important Question Paper 2023 is expected to be released in May of this year as well. We advise all students to be patient and wait for the release of the Important Question Paper 2023.